Recently the community has disturbed by a notorious event - a RuneScape Streamer Banned because of suggesting death to suicidal girl. Aus Swag, the banned Twitch streamer does not only infuriate the public with his evil demeanour, but also add discomfort with his insincere apology.
The cause and effects of the event
The banned streamer has been asked by a friend to give suggestion and support to a suicidal person in his recent game stream, while rather than being supportive, the player makes a phone call suggesting the women to end her life. His extreme disrespect towards life immediately upset the internet. The Twitch soon declares a ban against the streamer, and show their disapproval of him. The RuneScape team also announces on the forum that the streamer has been permanently banned from the game. In addition, his sponsor gives up his channel, too. Yet, so far, the streamer offers nothing but a insincere apology with a video implying there’s no harm done to the victim, along with $200 donation to a non-profit organization serving for suicidal persons with psychological issues.
The public opinions on the event
There are a lot of YouTubers give their comments on the incident. Most think people shouldn’t joke around suicide. The streamer shouldn’t push a possible suicidal person to edge no matter she’s serious or not. After his apology, people show more disapproval. Though there are people defend that the victim feels no harm, encouraging possible suicidal person to commit suicide is immoral.
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