These crafty people have stitched together costumes that resemble the character in either Borderlands 2 or 3, and some have gone the extra mile by creating stunning props and backgrounds for their photoshoots. Hippolyta is the queen of the Amazons, and it only makes sense that this queen is ready for war at all times.The sword is especially intriguing, as it seems to have been handmade. Tons of detail obviously went into this costume, and even the smallest touches seem to have benefited from a great deal of care and thought. The cosplayer does a wonderful job of capturing the character’s childish glee and excitement, especially towards explosives.Cosplayers put a lot of effort into their craft, but their costumes are rarely as good as the original design itself.The cosplayer has also gone through the effort of making their costume and props cel-shaded, which closely mirrors the Borderlands franchise’s unique art style.